Sunday 22 April 2007

Politics Show - the Statist Agenda

The Politics Show, 22/4/2007, London edition, touched on the report by the Centre for Policy Studies regarding the multiplicity of bodies and occasions that can gain legal access to our homes - "Crossing the Threshold - 266 Ways the State Can Enter Your Home".

Tim Donovan was really irritating during the discussion. At each stage when either was coming to the conclusion that the State should get the hell out of people's lives, Donovan cut them off with a distracting question or his own conclusion/message and blew them off course.

Both Domonic Grieve and Simon Hughes came up with some great points. Hughes came across as no namby-pamby Fib-Dum - I suggest DC gets his Childcatcher wagon over to Chez Hughes ASAP. I was annoyed at the interviewer, but the interviewees should not have allowed themselves to be blown off course by this Statist.

Watch it here while it still lasts. The discussion is at about 33 mins in.

The desire by the BBC to shut down debate on this occasion was clear to me.

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