Monday 1 December 2008

Words and Phrases to Detest pt.3: Safeguarding

Where did this ghastly aberration get in?

I suspect it is used when people want to be seen to "protect" or "care" for something but know they, in truth, cannot achieve that, so use this term to give the same impression while promising nothing at all.

It has the whiff of protocol about it. You know, those robotic, box-ticking, flowchart, process orientated narrow-minded, linear sorts of things we encounter when some stupid phone menu, software or, worse still, individual is encountered who cannot understand the difference between what we want - a choice - and what they give - a false dichotomy. 

Not being a denizen of the Public Sector, the term only came to light during the Baby P case in which we now hear the Director of Social Services and Chair of the Haringey Local Childrens Safeguarding Committe or some such cobbled together scrabblefest, Sharon Shoesmith* has been "removed from office".

That is not the same as being sacked. That does not imply being prevented from passing GO and collecting a gold plated pension, expected salary and bonuses equivalent to the next 4 years etc etc. As some people have mentioned, this person is a member of "The Masons for W&ankers", Common Purpose.

We are watching.

* Cobblers, to be exact.


Anonymous said...


Afore I start I wish to apologise unreservedly, but on reading your blog, my eyes kept on returning to the Auschwitz sign in the right hand corner of the page.

So I stole it for ten minutes or so, juggled around with it a bit, and finished up with This, perhaps more in keeping with modern day Britain.

Sorry! - But I just couldn't help myself...

Roger Thornhill said...

The original was "Arbeit Macht Frei" so I added the New (Neue) to Arbeit (Labour) to keep the power of the original.

Lefties HATE it for some reason. I think it is rather in danger of pricking their bubble of denial.

Anonymous said...


The art of mentioning something, without particularly eluding to it outright, is truly Masonic indeed