Tuesday 1 January 2008

Gordon Brown and the C word.

He is at it again. Gordon's new year missive starts with a tirade of that C-word, "change".

For Britain, 2008 will be a year of real and serious changes.

With important legislation making long-term changes in energy, climate change, health, pensions, planning, housing, education and transport, 2008 will be a year of measurable changes in public services.

A year for stepping up major long-term reform to meet challenges ranging from globalisation and global warming to the great unfinished business of social reform in our country.

And we will continue to work with our international partners to counter the ongoing threat of global terrorism, most recently witnessed in the atrocities in Pakistan.

So we will not shirk but see through changes and reforms in the vital areafor our future - secure energy, pensions, transport, welfare, education, health and national security.
Not only the C-word, but a bunch of R's* as well.

I am not interested in change. I want to see IMPROVEMENT.

EDIT: Lets see those paras again, substituting "change" for "alteration" and "reform" for "revision"

For Britain, 2008 will be a year of real and serious alterations.

With important legislation making long-term alterations in energy, climate change, health, pensions, planning, housing, education and transport, 2008 will be a year of measurable alterations in public services.

A year for stepping up major long-term revisions to meet challenges ranging from globalisation and global warming to the great unfinished business of social revision in our country.

And we will continue to work with our international partners to counter the ongoing threat of global terrorism, most recently witnessed in the atrocities in Pakistan.

So we will not shirk but see through alterations and revisions in the vital area for our future - secure energy, pensions, transport, welfare, education, health and national security.
Come on, Gordo, light my fire...

* reform.

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