I have been thinking. Dangerous, I know.
The EU agreement is about transfer of sovereignty to the EU. Maybe not total, but a transfer nonetheless. The nature of the transfer as I see it shall render the remaining sovereignty ineffective or irrelevent (energy, borders for example), so the idea that it is only "partial" is specious - that is like saying a severed arm is the person while the remaining body is only a part of it and does not count - sovereignty becomes "inquorate".
Example: Commission shall not have a representative from each country at all times, therefore any particular country might not be involved in decision making at all times - to me this is loss of sovereignty, for a nation is subordinate and not even fully participating. Subsidiarity is another case, as it is the delegation of powers to the National level at the discretion of the Centre. To say the Nation is Sovereign is like saying a subordinate is the CEO.
Thus, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are, in effect, trying to attempt cession TO the EU.
My understanding is that this is just not possible under UK law. The PM, Parliament or Monarch just does not have that power and cannot grant themselves that power.
If individuals want to personally subject themselves alone to the rules of the EU, then fine - bugger off.
I gave no authority to transfer MY freedoms, nationality, sovereignty etc. to a foreign power and as such why should I have to recognise it?
War, Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz once said, is politics by other means. The EU is gaining what is normally gained via War.
I do not recognise this as a valid political act - does that mean I am now at war?
Re: I gave no authority to transfer MY freedoms, nationality, sovereignty etc. to a foreign power and as such why should I have to recognise it?
True and I am not saying I don’t agree with you - but this sounds a little like “I do not recognise this court” of IRA fame.
And practically speaking you have to recognise it, because 'they' are bigger and uglier than the individual. You have to recognise it for the same reason you can’t ignore a brick wall in your path.
I disagree about the IRA parallel.
This is about peope who are charged with a role changing the thing that gave them that role and created the power they use.
It is about rejecting the acts of a Fifth Column.
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